Terms Of Services

Important Notice

Your use of the iDesireToBeWhole.net Web site constitutes your agreement with the terms and conditions outlined below, with any other terms and conditions stated herein, and with any applicable laws. These terms are subject to change without prior notice.

Copyright and Trademark

All contents are protected by U.S. and international copyright, © 2020 iDesireToBeWhole.net. All rights reserved. All software and other technology components of this Web site are protected by U.S. and international copyright, with all rights reserved. It is to be assumed that iDesireToBeWhole.net is the trademarks or service marks of iDesireToBeWhole.net. iDesireToBeWhole.net reserves all of its rights with regard to those marks and any other iDesireToBeWhole.net trademarks or service marks appearing herein. This site may also contain trade names and trademarks of other companies that are the property of their respective owners.

Site Use

This site and its contents are provided solely for personal, noncommercial use and for no other purpose. Any downloading or copying of the materials herein is permitted for such personal, noncommercial use only. No right, title or interest in such materials is transferred to you upon such copying or downloading, and such materials may not be transferred, linked, reproduced, retransmitted or otherwise distributed or displayed, in whole or in part.

Product Images

We have attempted to accurately depict the colors of the products offered on this site. However, because the color you see is dependent on your computer monitor, we cannot guarantee that the color you see will be accurate. The products also may appear larger or smaller than their actual size depending on your monitor. Some photographs have been enlarged to show detail.

Pricing and Product Descriptions

We make every attempt to avoid errors in pricing and product information, but we are human. If a mistake does occur, we reserve the right to correct it, and in our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order placed for that item at the incorrect price. All prices listed on this site are in U.S. dollars. If you find a discrepancy, please contact us.

Links to Other Sites

iDesireToBeWhole.net makes no representations or warranties about any other Web site you may access through this Web site. If there is a link to another Web site, such link does not constitute an endorsement of that site or the products or services contained therein and is provided solely as a convenience to you.


Unless specifically noted, this site, its content or the information available on or through it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge that you use this site at your own risk, that you assume full responsibility for all costs associated with all necessary servicing or repairs of any equipment you use in connection with your use of this site, and that iDesireToBeWhole.net and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages special, indirect or consequential of any kind related to your use of this site. Warranties and return rights concerning such products are governed by terms provided elsewhere in this site and by applicable law.

Choice of Law

If any disputes arise between us regarding your use of this Web site, such disputes shall be resolved according to the laws of the State of Los Angeles.

User Communications

Any message you send to us via email, postcard, letter, voice mail or other transmission relating to your use of this site shall be and remain the property of iDesireToBeWhole.net, and iDesireToBeWhole.net shall not be limited in any way in its use, promotional, commercial or otherwise. However, we will not use your full name in any such promotional use without your permission. You agree that no such messages will violate the rights of any third party or contain any libelous or otherwise unlawful materials. We save certain messages and emails on file for promotional and marketing purposes, but we are not required to and do not retain every such message.

Site Operator

iDesireToBeWhole.net in conjunction with its third party service providers, operates this Web site.

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